For the longest time I have not been able to list finished dolls into my sales room simply because I have been busy making custom dollhouse size dolls. Recently I have decided that I no longer want to commit myself to working on dolls that while selling, may not be the dolls I wish to create. I am now back to making dolls to sell once again and I will be able to concentrate more on doing just that. Please be patient, Not only do I make dolls but try and keep my two shops running (see links page) for Doll related and Vintage Collectibles. Please keep me bookmarked to see my new listings under the salesroom feature. This will take you to an Etsy link but please know that I also sell on eBay under the username Stagelady. While I no longer am making custom dolls, I will make specific dolls for someone if they leave the choices to me. Please visit my shops as purchasing can be made through them for easier shopping convenience. Thanks you for your support and I hope you continue to return to my website.